Wednesday, September 28, 2005
weirdo dream
I had a dream that Dave and I went to see a concert by Crystal Gayle and Loretta Lynn and, like, Loretta Lynn's mom, and at some point in the concert, they come out dressed as characters from "Star Wars." There's a Plexiglass wall set up around them and they bring out their "lightsabers" and every time they hit the wall with them, the wall sparks (it's full of pressure-sensitive fiber optics or something).
Anyway, at some point, Lynn (in a Darth Vader costume) "strikes down" Gayle (who is playing Luke Skywalker) and starts telling her to admit that Lynn is her father.
From that vantage point, we can see that Gayle has had breast implants recently (keep in mind, this isn't true) and that there are huge scars.
So anyway, we go home and go to sleep. When I wake up the next morning, I discover (to my dismay) that I've been given breast implants and have huge scars under my breasts and that my breast are now hard lumps.
I freak out and start rubbing them, trying to soften them up ('cause from what I understand, isn't that part of the procedure?).
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
All sorts of experiments

Not only am I playing with animated gifs, but I'm also experimenting with being a fish owner.
Copying after a friend of mine out here, Dave and I added to our little family with a beta fish (beta or betta? I'd always thought it was beta, but the food we got for it and some advice sites say betta). Ours is not nearly as brightly colored as hers is (hers is the beautiful red and blue, ours is just sort of pink. Maybe it's albino?), but we got it because, well, dang, they sure are relaxing to look at! If only they came out with, like, a easy-transport fish you could take to work every day. We named him Tonti, and the cats are not interested in him at all so far. If he makes it to the two week mark, maybe we'll get a second one!
Ain't nothin' goin' on but the rent
I'm not really doing anything, just trying to avoid editing pictures I took in Las Vegas last weekend and watching "The Big Lebowski."
I'm pretty lazy but only when it has to do with my personal life.
Jeff Bridges is such an incredibly underrated actor. In fact, he may be one of the most underrated actors of our time. What other actor could could play characters as varied as "The Dude" Lebowski, Starman and "Wild Bill" Hickok in one career?
And "Starman" was such an underrated movie. John Carpenter's only Oscar-nominated film. Not that all of his are stellar, but a good horror film has got to count for something.
Minute for minute, "The Fog" is an awesomely thrilling horror movie.
I can't believe they're remaking it. Is nothing safe from the scourge of remakes?
"Revenge of the Nerds" isn't. It's being remade, but will probably get remade into a bland little PG-13 P.O.S., lacking scenes where they break into the sorority house to plant cameras to catch a sight of "hair pie," or adding a back story for the football coach to explain his asshole-osity, something about how when he was growing up, his father ignored him.
I'm not claiming "Revenge of the Nerds" is a great American film, but dammit, it sure is funny.
PC is the death of comedy.
Like, "Porky's" probably wouldn't get made today. Not only is there too much winky for an American movie (even though it's Canadian, I believe), it's also pretty irreverent.
In fact, the only thing out today that stacks up is "Arrested Development." And it's on the verge of cancellation.
Holy crap, I think the actor who plays the youngest son on that plays the giggling dude in Maude's studio in "The Big Lebowski."
I'm gonna go check that out.
Nope, it's not listed on imdb and googling "Tony Hale" and "Big Lebowski" doesn't help.