One Stop Weird Shoppe

I opened my brain, and look what fell out

Saturday, September 17, 2005

All sorts of experiments

Not only am I playing with animated gifs, but I'm also experimenting with being a fish owner.
Copying after a friend of mine out here, Dave and I added to our little family with a beta fish (beta or betta? I'd always thought it was beta, but the food we got for it and some advice sites say betta). Ours is not nearly as brightly colored as hers is (hers is the beautiful red and blue, ours is just sort of pink. Maybe it's albino?), but we got it because, well, dang, they sure are relaxing to look at! If only they came out with, like, a easy-transport fish you could take to work every day. We named him Tonti, and the cats are not interested in him at all so far. If he makes it to the two week mark, maybe we'll get a second one!


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