One Stop Weird Shoppe

I opened my brain, and look what fell out

Monday, June 18, 2007

Drawing class begins

So, I'm taking a drawing class at RCC with Susan and Jeff.
I feel like a dork, and not just because I'm going to have to be showing up, like, 40 minutes after class has already started.
Our first in-class assignment was to draw an abstract (a picture out of focus and upside down), then draw the same picture in focus and right-side up.
To put it kindly, they look about like my work did the last time I took a drawing class -- in seventh grade.
It's just embarrassing. I can take a picture, I can write, I can sew, but danged if drawing isn't just one of the most difficult things ever.
The whole showing up late thing adds to my drama. The class overlaps with work and I can see their point: Leaving early would be a huge distraction. So I asked the teacher if I could just show up late, and he was game, to a point. He warned me I'd be missing a huge part of class -- the public humiliation portion (no, really, the evaluation period) at the start of class. But as long as I'm there every day and don't be all distracting when I come in, he'll agree to let me take the class.
It's pretty intimidating. Some of these people, based on the initial works, should NOT be in a beginning drawing class.
I'd rather be surrounded by people who've just graduated from fingerpainting than people whose first-day, 10-minute drawings could fetch real cash money.
(Funny haha P.S. At first I typed "monet" -- I'm such a dork!)

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