One Stop Weird Shoppe

I opened my brain, and look what fell out

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Getting exercise

So, we're trying to get more exercise.
It's hard to get out of bed some mornings. Well, not that it's hard. More that it's too easy to just lie there.
At the least, I can always say I'm being nice to the cats. After all, there's nothing worse than disturbing the living, breathing heating pad curled up next to your feet.
But exercising after work isn't much better.
I ike coming home, putting on the PJs and shop online to reward myself for not freaking out at work and finally telling the people I work with exactly where they can stick their stupid questions and deadline-pushing mistakes.
Magazines make it seem so easy to find 10 minutes here or there to work out. Again, it's not that there's no time, it's just easier to find other things to do.
I actually weigh the options: Should I sit and watch TV or read a book, or spend the time ignoring every cell in my body that screams in torture from the minute the sweat pants go on?
I always think it's funny when articles say, "Work out on your lunch hour!" Where do these people work where either they can take the time to work out for an hour, then re-shower to come back to work, or where they can go work out and just come back to work all smelly?


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