One Stop Weird Shoppe

I opened my brain, and look what fell out

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

my grandmother

Mom went down this morning and found GM sleeping/passed out outside her bathroom. Apparently, her walker "got away" from her or folded up on her or she just passed out while walking.
My mom went to wake her, and she sort of mumbled, "This bed is so comfortable."
When my mom told her she wasn't in bed, GM was bewildered.
Mom called Liz to come over.
So, they called an albulance, who had to call the police because they couldn't lift her themselves, or were scared to try lifting them herselves in case they dropped and hurt her.
So, she goes to hospital, where they think they need to run tests on her, so they don't feed her all day, which does nothing to improve her mood. But they put off tests until tomorrow, so fed her dinner.
They find out that she's anemic (they think caused by the Fosomax), her oxygen is low, and she has congestic heart failure (Mom says it's not really that big a deal -- Nana was in CHF for 20 years).
So I asked if I could call GM in hosp. Mom says sure, that'd be nice.
I call, announce that I'm Kate from California. GM calls me Ann? And I say, no, it's Kate in California. And she calls me Ann and asks what I'm doing in California.
Well, we finally establish that I'm Kate, and she says something about how she's staying with these wonderful people (I'm guessing her roommates) and something about doctors and tests, then says she hopes to see me soon (I guess forgetting that we were just there). She talks about how she hates writing letters, but that she loves the green frog I sent her for Christmas.
I said, "Oh, did you know that Dave and I are engaged?" And she says, "Dave?" and I say, "yes, my boyfriend Dave and I are engaged." And she says, "Dave got engaged?" and I say, yes, he got engaged to me. We are engaged. And she says, he's engaged? To whom? And I say to me.
At which point she says, "Did I meet Dave?"
"Yes, Grandmother, you met Dave. He's very tall."
