One Stop Weird Shoppe

I opened my brain, and look what fell out

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Yelling at CapOne

The guy couldn't or wouldn't explain why the paper statement differed from what the electronic statement said, then didn't really have an answer for why the $10 late fee kept appearing on the statement, except that it was going to be off it from now on since the payment I made yesterday covered it.
THEN when we asked why did it just now get covered, since I consistently pay MORE than what is owed, he said, well, because you've never paid more than enough to cover it (despite the fact that I usually pay about $500 on a $292 payment).
And I said that doesn't make sense.
Well, he says, every time you pay, some of it goes to the principal, some of it goes to interest.
So, I say, even though I ALWAYS pay over what we owe, it's never been enough to pay this $10 fee?
Well, he says, that's because we don't know what's supposed to go to pay what.
So, I say, does that mean I should write a SECOND check just for the late fee (god forbid we have late fees again)?
And he says, well, you could just call and tell us it's to go for the late fees.
So, I say, the late fee would have just kept showing up if I hadn't called?
Well, yes, he says, we put it on your statement as a reminder.
WTF, I say. So now I owe $30 in late fees because you couldn't or wouldn't take it out of the FRICKIN YUGE PAYMENTS I MAKE?!
And then basically, he wouldn't help us with anything.
Even though DH had called in Feb. and talked to a girl who said she was going to take the late fee off because a $500 payment we made after not getting printed statements for two months in a row got lost in the mail.
DH to me: Yeah, we should just kiss that money away.
Me to DH: Aren't you glad I was yelling at him and not you?



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